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Danielle Hanscom

Danielle HanscomWhere do you Live? Chestertown, Maryland

Since: 1987

Why did you choose the city / state you now live in? The proximity to 10 million people within a 90 min. drive.

What do you love most about where you live? Chestertown is a sweet little colonial town on the banks of the Chester River. The history, the beauty and the friendly people are a treasure.

What is your favorite restaurant in your town? I have three: the Blue Heron Café, the Front Room at the Imperial and Brooks Tavern!

What is your Age Group: 60+

What is your favorite All Time Movie? The Painted Veil

Do you have any Pets? A cairn terrier girl, Muffin and the cats, Slipper and Sargeant Pepper aka Squeaky

What is your favorite thing to do in your free time? Cook, come up with new recipes.

What is your favorite season and why? The spring and fall are breathtaking in our area. It’s all about the colors.

If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do? Do nothing different for at least a year.

If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? I would love to learn how to make soap.

If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be? A woman elected to the presidency!

Which celebrity do you get mistaken for? none

Where do you work? At Brampton Bed and Breakfast Inn

What is your title? Owner/innkeeper

How long have you worked there? 26 years

What do you love most about your Job? Our guests

What is your Experience and Background in the Travel Industry? I was a flight attendant for Swissair (about 150 years ago).